May 31, 2023

May Recap Newsletter

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Dear Neighbor,

I hope you had a great May! I’m happy that the weather’s getting warmer and flowers are blooming throughout the district. Here’s an update on what my office and I have been up to this month.


I kicked off May with some events around NY-16. including Hope Community Services Center, which provides the New Rochelle community with emergency food services, gave me a tour of their facilities. They’re doing great work to combat hunger. I also attended the Senior Advocacy Meeting at Willow Towers where we discussed Social Security, Medicare, housing, and healthcare. We have to take care of our elders, and that starts with listening to them. 

Thank you to Shiloh Baptist Church for having me for their Mothers’ Day Brunch. I hope all the moms of NY-16 had a great Mother’s Day and got to spend it with their families. Thank you moms, for everything you do!

I also had the pleasure of joining President Biden on Air Force One on our way to speak at Westchester Community College about why we need to raise the debt ceiling to ensure Republicans do not force a default on America. Republicans are holding our economy hostage to slash programs for families and kids and hand those dollars to the rich. Raising the debt ceiling doesn’t mean increased spending, it just means honoring our commitments. 

In legislative news, Rep. Nydia Velazquez (NY-7) and I reintroduced our Healthy Future Students and Earth Pilot Program Act, which would give students healthy, sustainable, and culturally appropriate plant-based meal options at school. Creating a livable future for our kids includes building sustainable food systems at every level of society, starting with schools. I also reintroduced my resolution to condemn the Replacement Myth on the anniversary of the Buffalo massacre. It would reaffirm our commitment to combat white supremacy in all its forms. 

During one of my favorite parts of this month, students from Scarsdale middle school came to visit me in Washington and we talked about public service, civic engagement, and what I do as a congressman. I also got to visit Grimes elementary school in Mount Vernon and talk to students and teachers. I was honored to give commencement addresses at Manhattanville College and Columbia Climate School this month. I am so proud of these young people who are about to go out into the world and share their magic. Congratulations to everyone graduating this year. Use your gifts to make the world a better place! As a former educator, getting to talk with students from around the district is one of my favorite parts of the job. 

In Washington, I joined my colleagues Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT), Rep. Pramila Jayapal (WA-7), to reintroduce Medicare for All. In the richest nation on Earth, we must be able to provide healthcare for everyone. I also joined Rep. Cori Bush’s (MO-1) to call for reparations for Black Americans. Reparations are about righting our nation’s historical wrongs, and we need to tell the truth about our history and root out systemic racism at every level.

Lastly, over Memorial Day weekend I hosted a veterans’ brunch. Thank you to all the veterans who joined us and shared their experiences. I also took part in celebrations with Friends of the African American Cemetery, and walked in parades in Hastings, Mamaroneck, and White Plains. On days like this, it’s so important to be with your community to honor those we’ve lost. In their memory, we need to prioritize peace and diplomacy to prevent sending our fellow citizens into harm’s way needlessly. 

Calling all young people! Come to my Youth Leadership Conference on June 3rd from 9AM-5PM at New Rochelle High School. I want to listen and learn from our youth and include your voice in the legislative process. We’ll be having design challenges for students on topics like climate change, gun violence, mental health, queer studies, and more. We want to create a space where youth feel empowered, heard and seen, and bring this model to areas across NY-16, Westchester, New York, and nationwide. Students should come ready to tell us about issues affecting them and help us work on solutions to bring back to Congress. Join us by registering at

My office held mobile constituent services events throughout the district this month. Stay tuned - we’ll be coming to your neighborhood or somewhere nearby! If you need assistance with any federal agency, you can find us at one of our upcoming Mobile Constituent Services, email us at, or call our office.

Peace and love,

Congressman Jamaal Bowman (NY-16)